Rapt Presence: Priceless.

Rapt Presence: Priceless.
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
December 15, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Carol Nimick, Worship Associate

“Building our capacity to open with curiosity and empathic care to another’s experience, feelings and needs also allows us – and actually requires us – to open more deeply and compassionately to ourselves as well, strengthening our capacity for meeting all life’s challenges.” So says the Rev. Cat Cox, who offered us an online introduction to deep dialogue in October. As the winter holidays and holy days approach, and potentially challenging interactions with family, friends and loved ones as well, we’ll prepare our hearts and our own empathic care and curiosity as best we can. 

You are invited to bring a homemade ornament to hang on the UUCM Christmas Tree. Be sure to label it with your name if you would like it back.  

Song for Gathering Little Bit of Light by Carol Johnson, with Kathryn Young and Taylor Carey 

Lighting of the Chalice  Rev. Kevin Tarsa, drawing on the wisdom of Mary Ann Moore and Carol Johnson 

Land Acknowledgement  read by Linda Siska


Decorating of the Christmas Tree  

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Carol Nimick, Worship Associate 

Opening Words  Rapt Presence: Priceless. Part 1, Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Song  When Our Heart is in a Holy Place # 1008 by Joyce Poley 

Message  Rapt Presence: Priceless. Part 2, Carol Nimick 

Prayer & Meditation  Filled with Loving Kindness words based on the Buddhist Metta meditation, music as taught by David Buckles, from Amy Manard  

Message  Rapt Presence: Priceless. Part 3, Rev. Kevin Tarsa  

Song  When our Heart is in a Holy Place #1008, refrain

Offering  Carol Nimick, Worship Associate

Offertory  Kathryn Young and Taylor Carey 

Dedication  Carol Nimick

Thank you & AnnouncementsClosing Song and Closing Words Listen, Listen, Listen by Paramhansa Yogananda

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth