Room to Breathe: The gift of Renewal

Room to Breathe: The gift of renewal
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
June 9, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Sophia McKean, Worship Associate

A part of this service is also available as a podcast! Check out UUCM On-the-Go on YouTube music!

Dive deeper into this month’s “renewal’ theme, and maybe, just maybe, go home not with the “right” answer, but with a question that makes the difference. 

Song for Gathering Morning Has Come #1000 by Jason Shelton 


Land Acknowledgement read by Mark Grove

Lighting of the Chalice  Every day is Renewal by Rev. Kevin Tarsa, read by Theresa Houtman

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Sophia McKean, Worship Associate 

Opening Words Renewal in a Weary World by Shari Woodbury read by Kern Hildebrand

We interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming: Sermon #1  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Song Meditation on Breathing #1009 by Sarah Dan Jones  

Joys & Sorrows 


Sermon #2  Room to Breathe: The Gift of Renewal  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Offering   Sophia McKean, Worship Associate

Offertory  Toby Thomas-Rose, piano

Dedication  Sophia McKean, Worship Associate  

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Wake Now My Senses #298 words by Thomas J. S. Mikelson, traditional Irish melody   

Closing Words 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth