The Bombshell and the Butterfly
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
April 17, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Gail Johnson Vaughan and Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates
In this day and age we don’t have to look far for bad news. Stress and anxiety are the constant companions of so many of us. Many know this Sunday as Easter, a season celebrated in so many faiths and religious traditions as a time of resurrection and hope. Join us in a special morning as we too awaken out of what feels like an ending into new life, new hope.
Greeting Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Land Acknowledgement read by René Wiley
Song for Gathering Easter Alleluia by Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Alleluia Chaconne, Kate Canan, flute, Jordan Thomas-Rose, soloist
Welcome Gail Johnson Vaughan, Worship Associate
Lighting of the Chalice For Holy Days on Which We Recall the Old Stories by Dillman Baker Sorrells, read by Corrie Silva
Music This Day by Lea Morris
Opening Words Awaken to this Gift by Rev. Gretchen Haley, read by Scottie Hart
Wisdom for All Ages After the Fall by Dan Santat, read by George Dunstan
Joys & Sorrows
Prayer & Meditation Passover (excerpts) by Kartleen McTigue, with Welcome Nigun by Doug Cotler
Reading Resurrection, written and read by Julia Park Tracey
Sermon The Bombshell and the Butterfly, Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Offering Gail Johnson Vaughan
25% of our offering this month supports Citizens for Choice, which provide compassionate, confidential, non-judgmental reproductive health care services for women, men and teens through The Clinic! in Grass Valley.
Your giving is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See UUCM’s Giving Page to make a contribution.
Offertory Jordan Thomas-Rose
Dedication Gail Johnson Vaughan
Thank you
Closing Song Now Let Us Sing #368, Jordan Thomas-Rose, solo introduction, Kate Canan, flute
Closing Words
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.