The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus

The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
July 7, 2024
Guest Speaker: Adam Stonebraker from Mountain Stream Meditation
Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates

Our Unitarian Universalist tradition draws from many sources, and Buddhism is an important one. We are honored to have Adam Stonebraker, the new guiding teacher at Mountain Stream Meditation in Nevada City, here to help us discover commonalities and differences between the two traditions and experience some practices that embody the heart of Buddhist teachings. 

Adam has an impressive background, and we welcome him to Nevada County and to UUCM for this special service. 

Song for Gathering  Filled with Loving Kindness #1031, Traditional Buddhist meditation, 
music by Ian W. Riddell 

Greeting  Cheryl Morris 

Land Acknowledgement  read by Mark Grove

Lighting of the Chalice The Truth Within, written by Cheryl Morris  read by Cheryl Spaulding 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Cheryl Morris 

Opening Words  Adam Stonebraker 

Song Be Ye Lamps unto Yourselves #184 words attributed to Gautama Buddha
music from the Sarum Antiphonal

Joys & Sorrows George Dunstan, Lay Pastoral Care Team

Prayer and Meditation  Adam Stonebraker

Message  Suffering and the End of Suffering: An Abbreviated Life of the Buddha Adam Stonebraker

Offering  Cheryl Morris with Cassie Robertson, Community Outreach Manager, Bright Futures for Youth

Offertory  Gabrielle Lawson, piano

Dedication  Cheryl Morris

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  There is a Love words by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker music by Elizabeth Norton   

Closing Words  Metta Sutta (a discourse of the Buddha)  read by Cheryl Morris and Adam Stonebraker

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth