How can we make sense of the extreme divide over racial justice in our country? In this service our own Gail Johnson Vaughan gives us two keys to unlock the mystery and some suggestions for actions we can all take to remedy the fallout from the origins of our discontent.
Greeting Gail Johnson Vaughan
Song for Gathering I’m On My Way #116, Traditional African American Spiritual
Welcome Allison Rivers Samson
Lighting of the Chalice Nurture This Precious Light by Naomi King, read by George Dunstan, Janet Dunstan, and Gwen Eymann
Land Acknowledgement read by Lisa Haden
Opening Words by Isabel Wilkerson, read by Allison Rivers Samson
Wisdom for All Ages Desmond Gets Free by Matt Meyer, illustrated by Khim Fam, read by Tracy Pepper
Joys & Sorrows Beth Karow
Prayer & Meditation Strange Fruit, written by Able Meeropol, sung by Billie Holiday
Song When I am Frightened #1012, by Shelley Jackson Denham
Reading by Oprah Winfrey in What Happened to You, read by Gwen Eymann
Sermon This Old House, Gail Johnson Vaughan
Offering Allison Rivers Samson
25% of our offering this month will support Community Beyond Violence: whose mission is to offer resources for building healthy relationships and to work with community partners to provide services for healing the effects of interpersonal violence.
Since we are not passing a plate in person, giving in other ways is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail.
Thank you Gail Johnson Vaughan
Closing Song Answering the Call of Love #1014 by Jason Shelton
Closing Words
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth