Weaving Waters – February 6, 2022 – UUA Pacific Western Region

Weaving Waters: A Regional Sunday Service
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
February 6, 2022
Pacific Western Region UU leaders and UUA Congregational Life Staff. 

Come, celebrate our connection to Unitarian Universalists far beyond UUCM in this embodied, engaging, multi-gen on-line worship service focusing on a parable of interdependence and unity. We joined congregations all over the western third of the United States, plus Alaska and Hawaii.

Greeting and Introduction Rev Kevin Tarsa  

Music for Gathering I See You by Crispy Watkins https://crispywatkins.com/  

Honoring the Land and Welcome Penelope Venturini, RejUUvenation Youth Leadership Collective 

Call to Worship Rev Summer Albayati, Pacific Western Region Congregational Life Staff 

Chalice Lighting Penelope Venturini 

Opening Song Blessed Spirit of My Life by Shelly Jackson-Denham 

Weaving Waters Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Parable Part 1: Reflect   

Amelie Heise Pacific Western Region Emerging Adult Task Force 
Matthew Clayton Davis, Sunday Service Coordinator 
Jamili Omar, Director of Lifespan Faith Formation 
Rev. Justin Almeida 
Marena McGregor, Assistant Director of Lifespan Religious Education 

Joining of the Waters UUCM Members and Friends  

Joys and Sorrows 

Music Oh River by MaMuse, played by Crispy Watkins 

Prayer Eric Bliss, Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry Specialist 

Parable Part 2: Rejoice, adapted by Rev. Kevin 

Blessing Rev Summer Albayati 

Parable Part 3: Renew / Go Forth! 

Closing Song Blue Boat Home by Peter Mayer 


25% of our offering this month will support: KARE Crisis Nursery which supports children and families in our community and surrounding areas by providing safe, nurturing care for the small children of families experiencing a stressful situation.  

Benediction and Extinguishing the Chalice 

UUCM Community Benediction               
         Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again. 

Music for Going Forth Oh, River Reprise 

Worship Leaders: 

Sunday Service Coordinator:  Matthew Clayton Davis 
Rev Summer Albayati 
Rev Justin Almeida 
Marena McGregor, Assistant Director of Lifespan Religious Education 
Jamili Omar, Director of Lifespan Faith Formation 
RejUUvenation Youth Leadership Collective with Penelope Venturini 
Pacific Western Region Emerging Adult Task Force with Amelie Heise and Charlie Mara 
Eric Bliss 
Music by Crispy Watkins