What Is Remembered, Lives
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
October 31, 2021
Beth Karow, with Rev. Kevin Tarsa
All Hallows Eve, Día de Muertos, All Souls, and All Saints days invite us each autumn to remember our ancestors and our beloveds who have died. These tender days on the way to winter even open a window to working on our relationships with those who have gone before us.
In a service steeped in ritual and music, we will remember with honesty, gratitude, and hope.
Music for Gathering Jordan Thomas-Rose, with UUCM musicians
Ringing of the Chimes
Land Acknowledgement
Welcome/Casting of the Circle Beth Karow, Worship Associate
Lighting of the Chalice Rev. Kevin Tarsa and Beth Karow
Opening Music/Opening Words Bright Morning Stars are Rising #357, sung by Jordan Thomas-Rose and Rev. Kevin, with spoken words by Beth Karow
Wisdom for All Ages Beth Karow
UUCM Ancestors
Those Who Died in the Past Year
Our Beloved Dead
Ritual of the Forgotten
Music All My Memories of Love #336, text by Anna Akhmatova, translated by Mark Belletini, sung by Jordan Thomas-Rose
Litany We Remember Them by Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer
Closing Words and Blessing
Release of the Directions
Thank you!
Community Benediction
Let us carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music For Going Forth