Trust the People: Love-centered Promises and Possibilities

March 16, 2025: Why be, and be part of, a religious, values-centered community these days? And how? Steeped in vital questions about various freedoms and who makes decisions, our religious ancestors came up with their own answers through a series of cottage […]

Don’t Let a Serious Disaster Go to Waste: Hope and the Fear of Hope

March 9, 2025: The current frantic attempts to dismantle democracy are challenging many people’s sense of trust and hope in the future. Surprisingly, for some it’s not a lack of hope that is the issue, it’s the fear of holding hope, hope that might be dashed or disappointed, a fate […]

Life Flows On: Trusting Yourself to the Water

March 2, 2025: We begin this trust-themed month by exploring the origins of our personal sense of trust, and by inviting that personal sense of trust into conversation with the concept of faith. Allan Watts claimed that “To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do […]

There’s a Place For Us

February 16, 2025: As we cultivate a deeper understanding of inclusion, we recognize that there are many ways to feel that we belong. In this tapestry service, we’ll hear reflections on the practice of inclusion from a few of us within our UUCM community. […]


February 9, 2025: Local author, historian, and frequent prophetic voice in The Union, Daryl Grigsby will draw on his personal experience and knowledge to reflect on this month’s theme of Inclusion and what it may be asking of us. […]

Word Counts

February 2, 2025: Within the larger goal of recognizing and honoring the difference between intent and impact, we launch our February theme of “inclusion” by exploring some of the ways that the words we use matter. […]

Heretics in Good Company

January 26, 2025: Both the Unitarian and Universalist traditions we inherited began as heresies and then got more heretical from there. Which is to say that you are in good company. We’ll pick up a few of the threads from our traditions’ story and consider what they have to do with us now and moving forward. […]

What Now? More Than Ever.

January 19, 2025: This Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, we root our exploration of practicing “story” in the sacred text of Lea Morris’ song, “More Than Ever,” written by Lea and friends shortly after the November election. “Now is a moment for shining on,” Lea sings, “It’s alright to cry, keep your eyes on the prize. The world needs your light more than ever.” […]

I Am From…

January 12, 2025: We turn to our personal stories this second Sunday of the new year. We’ll invite stories of our 2024 journey with a personal Word for the Year, offer an invitation to craft and share a poem, each line of which begins, “I am from…,” and invite you to start considering your word for 2025.   […]