Holding History: Gratitude – November 28, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Holding History: GratitudeUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsNovember 28, 2021Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Jeff Stone and Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates A number of us have engaged in the spiritual practice of listing gratitudes – taking time to notice and write down a brief list of those things for which we are grateful, or for which […]

Holding History: Meaning 3.0 – November 21, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Holding History: Meaning 3.0Unitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsNovember 21, 2021Rev. Kevin Tarsa with Chuck Champlin, Worship Associate Jamie Wheal claims that the world has entered a third stage in the human effort to make meaning: beyond the first, religious stage which linked meaning to salvation and exclusion, beyond the second stage, modern liberalism, which […]

Holding History: Rooted in the Rich Soil of our Theological Heritage – November 14, 2021 – Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme

Holding History: Rooted in the Rich Soil of our Theological HeritageUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsNovember 14, 2021Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme with Beth Karow and Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates From where do we draw our religious authority? Part of the answer is from the theological heritage of Unitarian Universalism. Ours is an open and evolving […]

Holding History: Body, Mind, and Spirit – November 7, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Holding History: Body, Mind, and SpiritUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsNovember 7, 2021Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate What does it mean to “hold our history” when history tells us so much more about how we see ourselves now than about what happened in the past? Or are those two things closer than […]

Getting to Know One Another – October 24, 2021 – Chuck Champlin, Rev. Kevin Tarsa, and You!

Getting to Know One AnotherUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsOctober 24, 2021Chuck Champlin, Rev. Kevin Tarsa, and You! Our fourth in a series focused on cultivating relationship, this interactive, café style service offered people a chance to connect several times in small groups for conversation. Envisioned and planned by Wendy Wernigg and Chuck Champlin, Rev. […]

Me, Myself, and I: Cultivating a Relationship with Ourselves – October 17, 2021

Me, Myself, and I: Cultivating a Relationship with OurselvesUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsOctober 17, 202 Dawn Bateman, Janet Bullock, Stu Matthews and Jordan Thomas-Rose, Rev. Kevin Tarsa,Jeff Stone, Worship Associate How does living through a pandemic influence our relationship with ourselves. And how does that work in the context of living in relationship or […]

In Respectful and Right Relationship: Beyond the Words – October 10, 2021 – Shelly Covert and Frank Lawrence, with Rev. Kevin Tarsa

In Respectful and Right Relationship: Beyond the WordsUnitarian Universalist Community of the MountainsOctober 10, 2021Shelly Covert, Spokesperson for the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe, with Frank Lawrence, Rev. Kevin Tarsa, and Jeff Stone, Worship Associate UUCM members have chosen to include in UUCM’s budget a contribution to the Ancestral Homelands Reciprocity Program, a community generated […]

We Get There Side by Side – October 3, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

We Get There Side by SideUnitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains October 3, 2021Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Worship Associate, Jeff Stone We introduce and enter our October theme of “cultivating relationship,” with story, song, reflection and invitation. How in the world do we cultivate relationship now?  Greeting Rev. Kevin Tarsa Song for Gathering Enter, Rejoice and […]