The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus

July 7, 2024: Our Unitarian Universalist tradition draws from many sources, and Buddhism is an important one. We are honored to have Adam Stonebraker, the new guiding teacher at Mountain Stream Meditation in Nevada City, here to help us discover commonalities and differences between the two traditions and experience some practices that embody the heart of Buddhist teachings. 

A Celebration of Pride

June 30, 2024: Unitarian Universalism was on the forefront of the gay rights movement among American religious traditions, our early involvement bolstered in part by our emphasis on uplifting the inherent value of individual truths within the context of loving community. This pride month, join us for a tapestry of faith service where we celebrate the LGBT+ community and hear from UUCM members about the ways their faith and identity interweave and inform each other. […]

Do You Feel What I Feel?

June 23, 2024: Deep, thoughtful conversations are a hallmark of the UU experience, and we have many opportunities at UUCM to engage in them. It is so fundamental to our denomination that Deep Listening has been selected as a Soul Matters theme for next year. But we don’t need to wait! Today’s speaker, Jeff Kane, is a deep communicator. He has honed this skill during his life as a physician, writer, yoga teacher, musician and husband/father/grandfather. And that’s not all! Jeff was the very first speaker for the fledgling UUCM and is returning now to help us celebrate our 30 years as a congregation. We welcome him and will listen deeply to what he has to say.  […]

Stepping In, Stepping Out

June 16, 2024: Renewal happens as we mindfully ’step-in’ into each moment with each breath or we ‘step-away’ for new perspectives and experiences. Renewal is integral to the life of our beings, community, planet. We’ll explore the diverse range of opportunity to renew ourselves, our beliefs, and UU faith. […]

Room to Breathe: The gift of Renewal

June 9, 2024: Dive deeper into this month’s “renewal’ theme, and maybe, just maybe, go home not with the “right” answer, but with a question that makes the difference. […]

Music for Heart and Soul

June 2, 2024: UUCM Musicians, with Rev. Kevin Tarsa and Toby Thomas-Rose, Randy McKean, Worship Associate
Our annual music service – a gift from wonderful UUCM music makers and friends – always embodies this month’s theme of renewal. Come, let the music, including your own singing, meet you where you are and carry you where you need to go. […]

Questions, Questions, Questions!

May 26, 2024: There is a tradition of sorts in many Unitarian Universalist congregations – a Question Box service or sermon in which people submit written questions for the minister to answer in the moment. On this final “pluralism” focused Sunday, come, with your questions about, well, about pretty much anything! That’s the fun. Rev. Kevin will answer as many questions as time and his abilities allow, and he won’t hesitate to seek help in answering. Very likely, the questions will be as interesting and revealing as any answers.  […]

Peace, Harmony, and the Snooze Button

May 19, 2024: Also available as a podcast on our YouTube channel! Our final Enneagram type, the Nine, the Peacemaker, is the part of us that is driven to seek inner and outer peace for ourselves and others. This is also the part of us that embodies the fundamental challenge of all spiritual or inner work – being awake rather than asleep to our true nature. Whew. Sounds exhausting. At least to a Nine. Maybe I’ll sleep just a little bit longer. […]

You Bring an Aster…

May 12, 2024: “You bring an aster, I’ll bring a rose” — here’s an invitation to bring a flower to celebrate our annual tradition of the Flower Ceramony! On the anniversary of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s founding, we’ll celebrate our pluralist tradition’s roots in a vision of a community that honors each of us, as varied as all the flowers of spring. We’ll reflect, too, on the anti-war principles seeded into both the history of the Flower Ceramony in our tradition and the founding of Mother’s Day.  […]

In and Out of Our Minds

May 5, 2024: Also available as a podcast on our YouTube channel!
Our year-long look into aspects of our personalities is meant, in part, to strengthen our ability to live the pluralism our tradition claims as important. We begin this month’s pluralism theme with a dive into Fiveness. The head-centered “Investigator” is the part of us that wants to find out why things are the way they are and to understand how the world works – always searching, asking questions, and testing truth for ourselves. Sounds like many a Unitarian Universalist. […]