Finding the Paths

October 1, 2023: Also available as a podcast on our YouTube channel!
In this second service in Rev. Kevin’s Enneagram series, worship associate Sophia McKean and Rev. Kevin invite us to consider our personal paths toward emotional and spiritual wholeness, paths of growth that invite our self-acceptance, above of all, paths that lead us home. […]

Awake at the Wheel: Remembering who you are

September 24, 2023: Also available as a podcast on our YouTube channel!
This is the first in a year-long series of services drawing on the Enneagram as a tool for our internal journey, our self-acceptance, and thus our well-being and our growth. […]

Radical Welcome

As an institution like UUCM, we can offer an invitation: “Join us!” with a coda “and share in what we do here;” we can offer inclusivity: “Come!” with a coda “help us be diverse;” or we can offer radical welcome: “Bring your whole self, your voice, your culture, your ideas” with a coda “we are ready and willing to enter a truly mutual relationship, to change and be changed by you.” […]

There’s a River Flowing: Are you in?

This year’s Water Communion service not only invites us to celebrate the importance of true community, every more vital in these times, it will also invite members to claim, truly, their deep ownership of UUCM and its continual creation. As one larger framing offers, it’s in part a conscious move from being consumers to being citizens.  […]

Holding It Together

After a summer exploring our shared values, we draw the ends of all the summer service threads – and so draw ourselves – together, looking once again for the glue that binds us and what we care about. […]

Mirrors and Windows

We UUs claim that we embrace our differences as well as our commonalities with love, curiosity, and respect.  If only! To be fair, we do try, and more to the point, we aspire to such an embrace. Maybe that embrace is not as out of reach as it seems.  […]

The Camp-In

As a group of UUCM members and friends spend this weekend camping and connecting in the Sierra Buttes, we figured we’d join their campout in spirit and ritual by having a “camp-in” at UUCM! […]

Love in Public: Not either / or

“Politics and religion don’t mix,” so the warning goes, though in fact they are very much bound up with one another. […]

Fences & Defenses

We UU’s declare that every person has the right to flourish with inherent dignity and worthiness. It’s just that […]