The Strategic Planning Committee is newly formed and charged by the Board of Directors with preparing a 2025-2030 plan in the coming year. This five year plan will be the touchstone against which we prioritize and support our activities in pursuit of our mission. This plan is an effort to be done by the Committee in conjunction with input from activity groups and the congregation at large – we need to hear what’s important to you.
Join us for a Congregation Workshop on Saturday, January 18 to introduce you to the Committee members, to learn how they are working, and to let us hear your visions for UUCM’s future.
Date: Saturday, January 18
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, lunch will be provided
Where: Sanctuary
What: An interactive workshop with Q&As and opportunity to share what you’d like to see at UUCM through a visioning exercise.
We deeply appreciate your time and input to this process – we hope you will be able to come.
Please RSVP online or on the sign-up sheet at UUCM.
Strategic Planning Committee Members:
Lesley Champlin, Charlene Dugan, Lindsay Dunkel, Jeff Gold, Laura Harter,
Carol Richey, Allison Rivers, Rev. Kevin Tarsa, Alan Weisberg