Sunday Services

Join Us Every Sunday at 10:30AM Pacific Time

Sunday morning services are a great way to get acquainted with this congregation and its values, whether you prefer to tune in quietly from home via Zoom or to make an in-person visit to Church Street some Sunday morning.

We seek to welcome all, AND we know it can be uncomfortable to enter a new place and community. We are happy to answer your questions and to help you connect with groups or activities that sound interesting to you. You may find out more and ask questions by completing the Contact Us form.

We look forward to greeting you, however and whenever you choose to reach out.

Note: UUCM’s policy is to follow CDC guidelines regarding COVID safety measures. Currently, masking is optional. Watch for adjustments as realities fluctuate.

On Site

Services are held at our 246 South Church Street home in Grass Valley, CA. This gives you a chance to meet some people in person and to get an embodied feel for the community.

Building with a rainbow over it


To participate in Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. on-line service, join the Zoom meeting. The Zoom Room opens about 25 minutes before the service.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 746 107 217
Passcode: 688010

Join by phone
1 669 900 9128
Meeting ID: 746 107 217 #
Passcode: 688010

What to Expect

If you are new to UUCM, you may be wondering what to expect in a Sunday service.

Starting about 10:10 a.m. on Sundays, you can view a series of announcements and quotes, accompanied by music. Online, people gradually sign in, making sure their connection is working, with a Welcome! and support from the morning’s Chat Host. In our home at 246 S. Church Street in Grass Valley, people arrive (most dressed casually) and are greeted at the door. Then they are welcome to chat with others or find a seat and sit quietly in anticipation of the service. Options for those with children are offered.

At 10:30 a.m. our minister or the worship leader says hello, or an opening song leads us into our time together. We acknowledge the Nisenan, the indigenous people who lived on this land long before UUCM, light a chalice (a symbol of our tradition), and begin to focus on the particular theme or message of the day.

Although there is a great deal of room for variety and experimentation, many services follow a fairly familiar pattern, with the singing of two or three songs, singing the children on their way to Kids’ Connection, readings from many different sources, time for spoken or silent meditation or prayer, a chance to acknowledge our current joys or sorrows by typing them into the chat (on-line) or placing a stone in a bowl of water (on-site), and a message from the minister, members, or guests.

Our goal is to explore and examine life through many different lenses over time, hearing from many different voices, calling forth our compassion, courage, love, and commitment to justice through words, music, ritual, sharing, movement and artistry of many kinds.

We look forward to welcoming you one of these Sunday mornings, whether in a Zoom room, or in our home on Church Street.

We seek to welcome all at UUCM, and we know it takes courage to enter a new place and community.

We are happy to answer your questions and to help you connect with groups or activities that sound interesting to you.

We look forward to greeting you, however and whenever you first choose to participate.

Missed a Sunday? Here are our Past Services

light-skinned hands planting young starts in soft, brown soil; service info: "Spring Inflection: Faith in Nature Lindsay Dunckel & Elizabeth Rose Worship Associates March 23, 2025"

Spring Inflection: Faith in Nature

March 23, 2025: We gather just after the Spring equinox, as the light begins to overturn the looming darkness. Trusting in this season of renewal, we’ll explore through ritual, words, and song what in us is called to emerge. […]