Membership Team

The UUCM Membership Team accompanies people along their entire membership journey, from first time newcomer to long-time member.

membership team with banner

If you love to help people feel at home and welcome, are drawn to help others find belonging and meaningful connection or want to help other know the value and joy of membership, this may be just the team for your energy and gifts.

We focus on three key areas:

  1. Welcoming and offering warm hospitality as greeters.
  2. Accompanying, assisting, and encouraging people as they move from newcomer, to engaged and connected participant, to member.
  3. Designing ways for all to strengthen connections and companionship.

The members of this team arrange for volunteers to greet those who come each Sunday, both on-line and on-site, coordinate the social time following the Sunday service, help interested persons to connect to groups and activities and to learn more about UUism and UUCM, and plan and get word out about UUCM social and connecting activities. 

Different team members are drawn to lead or support different portions of this 3-branched opportunity for service.

Interested in greeting people on Sunday mornings? Helping people connect through fun and meaningful events and activities? Want to help newcomers know what membership is all about? The Membership team would love to hear from you.

Meeting in person and via Zoom on the 4th Wednesdays at 1:30pm.

For more information, please contact