The New Year is always a good time to rethink the usefulness or effectiveness of our routines and habits. Upstairs, in our Kids Connection program, we have been doing some of this New
Year rethinking. Consequently, we will start the New Year with some changes in our Kids Connection rituals. If you and your children are curious about what these changes might be, you will have to join us the first Sunday of January (the 7th) to find out for yourselves. We are looking forward to many opportunities of connecting with you and your children in the year ahead.
Our Soul Matters theme for January is “liberating love.” Maya Angelou reminded us that “love liberates. It doesn’t just hold—that’s ego. Love liberates. It doesn’t bind.” An important question for all of us to ponder is how our expressions of love for each other, and especially for our children and youth, can be liberating. Specifically, how can we create loving, safe, and stimulating environments that will support our children and youth as they gradually become the adults they are meant to be? Expressions of love that liberate might include showing interest, being curious, maintaining openness, demonstrating loyalty, and having faith that we will all grow together in ways that serve us individually, as well as communally. Every Sunday we seek to create a place where your children can express themselves, explore their interests, and make personal connections—ultimately discovering for themselves what it feel like to be a part of UUCM. We are also committed to promoting age-appropriate understandings of the principles, values, and rituals of Unitarian Universalism.
Activities This Month Include:
Building and Grounds Workday, Saturday, January 20, 9am – 12 pm
Age appropriate tasks will be available for children and youth who attend this activity